The website (hereinafter the “ Site ”) is managed by the company “PICTURE PERFECT INTERNATIONAL (PPI)” hereinafter “ PICTURE PERFECT” .
Manager(s): Maurice Bensimon
Legal status
Limited liability company (SARL) with share capital of €251,200.00 (in 2021)
Siren number: 390187615
RCS number: Paris B 390 187 615
INTRACOMMUNITY VAT number: FR31390187615 *
NAF/APE code: 1813Z (press activity)
*For additional information on your VAT invoice please see our VAT Policy .
The head office
The head office of PICTURE PERFECT is located at 62 Boulevard Davout, 75020 Paris, France.
The website is hosted by Shopify Inc, headquartered at 151 O'Connor Street, Ground Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8, Canada, , 1-613-241-2828
Website design
The visual identity of the site was designed by Picture Perfect International, 62 boulevard Davout, 75020 Paris France, reachable by telephone at 01 43 12 82 50, or by email: .
Copyright and reproduction
The domain name “” and the Website are the exclusive property of PICTURE PERFECT. The texts and images appearing on the Site are protected by copyright. Any total or partial reproduction of these texts and images, these brands or these logos, made from elements of the Site, is not authorized without the express authorization of PICTURE PERFECT within the meaning of article L713- 2 of the Intellectual Property Code
Any reproduction or total or partial representation of this Site by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of PICTURE PERFECT is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. Its databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 11, 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code the European directive of March 11, 1996 relating to the legal protection of databases.
The information published on the Site does not engage the responsibility of PICTURE PERFECT. The Internet user acknowledges that any misuse he makes of the Site cannot under any circumstances incur the liability of PICTURE PERFECT.
Furthermore, PICTURE PERFECT does not guarantee continuous accessibility to the Site. Consequently, its liability cannot under any circumstances be incurred due to unavailability of the Site, whatever the cause.
PICTURE PERFECT declines all responsibility:
- for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to information available on the Site;
- for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the Site;
- and more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, caused by anyone's access to the Site or the inability to access it, as well as that the use of the Site and/or the credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.
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- Photo Credits: Fotolia
- Creation tool : Pixfizz
- Translation : eTranslate
- Cookie management: consentmo